In a previous blog I mentioned Al Gore’s presence at the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in January 2023, and I referred to him as a “bloated bozo [who’s] still running around, blowing his ram’s horn, telling everyone that the sky is falling.” Much to my surprise, I received more blow-back from this single comment than all the other kooky things I mentioned in the article.
The gist of the blowback was to do with “How Dare I say such a thing about Mr. Gore, a Gentleman in such Good Standing.” Apparently, Al Gore is something of a saint in certain circles, despite his frequent and outrageous lies, and despite the hundreds of millions of dollars he has personally pocketed from his “strategic investments” in the bogus climate crisis.
I simply had no idea. I mistakenly assumed that in the 17 years since the film, An Inconvenient Truth, hit the big screens, that the science was settled with regards to climate change, the crisis formerly known as “global warming.” Meaning: I mistakenly assumed that most intelligent people had come to realize that the whole thing is a big scam. Oh man, was I ever wrong about that.
H.E. Double Hockey Sticks
There are plenty of modern-day followers of Saint Gore. Hanging chads be damned! These disciples, all of them card-carrying members of the Church of Climatology, are grinding the same old axe, despite the abundance of evidence to the contrary.
The axe, in a nutshell, is this:
Humans love to burn fossil fuels. This is bad and it hurts the Earth, because it releases huge amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere, which throws everything out of whack. Out of all the Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) – gases that trap solar energy in the Earth’s atmosphere, causing the Earth’s temperature to go up and up and up – CO2 is the worst. If humans continue on their current path, all this CO2 will cause the Earth to overheat, and people will find themselves in a veritable Hell. The polar icecaps will melt. There will be worldwide floods. There will be storms beyond anything the world has ever known. Diseases now confined to the tropics will spread around the whole wide world, infecting everyone. And guess what? Humans will deserve every bit of the Earth’s wrath!
Does any of this sound vaguely familiar to anyone?
No, you say? Well, what if we tweak this story, ever-so-slightly, so it reads like this:
Humans love to do whatever they want. This is bad and it hurts God, because it releases huge amounts of Individual Will (IW) into the mix, which throws everything out of whack. Out of all the Offensive Acts against God’s Divine Will (OAGDWs) – acts that cause God’s anger to go up and up and up – IW is the worst. If humans continue on their current path, all this wrong-doing will cause God to lose His cool, and people will find themselves in a veritable Hell. The polar icecaps will melt. There will be worldwide floods. There will be storms beyond anything the world has ever known. Diseases now confined to the tropics will spread around the whole wide world, infecting everyone. And guess what? Humans will deserve every bit of God’s wrath!
Sound familiar now?
Yep, it’s the same, tired, old story you heard back in Sunday School. This modern-day “Climate Story” is nothing more than good old-fashioned, tent-revival, religious fanaticism, disguised by the very thinnest of veneers. It’s the old H.E. Double Hockey sticks ploy, through and through. Hellfire and Brimstone for you, unless you repent and start praying real hard!
The irony does not escape me here, by the way. The very same people who pray at the altar of this new-fangled Climate Religion are the same folks who despise and deride anything resembling traditional religion. They’re oh-so-quick to call out the Jesus freaks as red Kool-Aid drinkers, whilst guzzling their own blue Kool-Aid by the gallon. Funny how that works, ain’t it?
Well, I say we ought to give old Gore some props. He’s been doin’ his rootin’-tootin’ best to promote this new religion, and it does seem to be going alright for him thus far. Membership numbers keep going up and up, he’s still getting invited to show up all over the place to deliver his impactful PowerPoint presentations (and paid handsomely, I might add), and so on. He’s even got another washed up, wannabe-president by the name of John Kerry helping him out these days. It was Bonesman Kerry, officially the United States’ Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, a.k.a. The Climate Czar, who came up with the catch phrase, Give a Hoot, Don’t Pollute!
I’m just kidding about that. John Kerry did not come up with that; it was Woodsy Owl. Kerry’s catch phrase is . . . well . . . I guess he doesn’t really have one. I’m sure he’s working on it, though.
Anyway, getting back to Gore . . . The guy’s current net worth is currently estimated at over $300 million. Gulp. I don’t know about you, but I find that incommensurate with what the net worth of a retired “public servant” ought to be, even if he did, as he once claimed, “take the initiative in creating the internet.” Heck, even the esteemed Saint Obama is only worth a cool $40 million.
Gore’s not at all embarrassed by his massive fortune, though. In fact, in his 2006 film, An Inconvenient Truth, he proudly displayed a graph showing the exponential rise in his net worth due to his well-timed investments in “green energy” and “carbon credits.” The graph looks like a hockey stick – Gore had a fairly flat income for a long time, and then his income sharply shot upwards just after he was appointed High Priest in the Church of Climatology.
Again, I’m just kidding. I’m pulling another Woodsy Owl. The above graph is not a depiction of AL Gore’s net worth (although, I guess it could be if you re-label the axes). What you’re seeing is the now-famous hockey stick graph from An Inconvenient Truth. That’s Gore up on a scissor lift for dramatic effect, pointing at the “off the charts” rise in human-generated CO2 (red) that will cause global temperatures (blue) to skyrocket and cook us all. “If we allow this to happen,” said Gore in the film, “it is deeply unethical.”
In case you haven’t noticed in the 17 years since the film came out – none of Gore’s nasty scissor lift predictions have come true. That’s because the old hockey stick graph just ain’t so. While Gore was correct to notice the similarity between the red and the blue patterns, he made a rookie mistake in misidentifying cause and effect, cart and horse. In the film, as in his real life, Gore asserts that changes in global temperatures (blue) are the result of changes in atmospheric levels of CO2 (red), when, in fact, it’s the other way around. Had he bothered to smoosh the red and blue squiggles together, it would show that throughout Earth’s history, changes in atmospheric CO2 levels have followed – not lead – changes in temperatures. Gore also flat-out ignored some of the data, chopping off some of the inconvenient hills and valleys that show unusually warm periods and ice ages and such. Oops.
But let’s not pin it all on Gore, though. He’s just the front man. The ridiculous story and fudged graph were concocted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which is the United Nations’ special think tank assigned to “assessing the science related to climate change.” Gore just did the dirty work of trotting the story around to stir up some good old-fashioned fear and mayhem.
Although the hockey stick is a load of malarkey, it nonetheless formed the ideological centerpiece of An Inconvenient Truth and lo, the Church of Climatology was officially born. The Year is Zero! To kick things off in style, Al Gore and the IPCC were co-awarded the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for “informing the world of the dangers posed by climate change.” At the awards ceremony after-party, it’s rumored that Al Gore graciously thanked everyone for the honor, and then unveiled his new catch phrase to a select group: Give a Hoot, Don’t Pollute!
That’s What It’s All About
If you get the chance to re-watch An Inconvenient Truth (which I strongly recommend), you can see the old hockey stick for yourself and marvel at it. You might also pick up on some other, ahem, inconsistencies with your keen, modern wits. There’s simply a lot to enjoy in this old cinematic gem.
For example, you can hear Gore lie about how scientists can look at Antarctic ice core samples and see with their naked eyes that “. . . here’s where the U.S. Clean Air Act was passed.” You can listen as Gore incorrectly asserts that the amount of CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere has never exceeded 300 parts per million (ppm) in the last 650,000 years – until now. You can cringe as Gore declares that the “scientific consensus” is that global warming is a made-made phenomenon. You can get a glimpse of the real impending doom that’s facing us all when Gore asserts that “Doing the right thing will create wealth and jobs.” And, perhaps most importantly, you can learn a lot about good old Al Gore himself, a regular guy, rather than the usual sort of snotty Senator’s son, who just happened to get switched on to the climate crisis by his old college professor / mentor, and then unassumingly took up the cause for the benefit of mankind. What a guy.
Fear mongering and untruths aside, it’s crystal clear through the modern lens that there is a call-to-action embedded within An Inconvenient Truth. It’s Gore’s oddly-timed challenge (oddly-timed in the context of the film’s narrative, that is), when he rhetorically asks, “Are we gonna be left behind as others lead the way?” and then blurts, “We need to ratify Kyoto!”
And this, my friends, is as strong a hint as anything as to what all this climate crisis hokey pokey has really been all about. And continues to be about.
Kyoto and Paris
The Kyoto Protocol was an international treaty of sorts in which participating countries agreed to “reduce greenhouse gas emissions, based on the scientific consensus that (part one) global warming is occurring and (part two) that human-made CO2 emissions are driving it.”
That’s the cover story anyway. The true purpose of the Kyoto Protocol was to establish a carbon market, where CO2 could be bought and sold like a monetary device or a commodity. This scheme came to be called “Cap and Trade.”
Our beloved congress had been chasing this carbon market / cap-and-trade dream for decades, but it wasn’t until 1988 (soon after then-Senator, Al Gore, first advanced the idea of a global warming crisis in his now-famous congressional hearings) that it really took off in earnest, via Project 88, a Senate bill that provided the pathway to “convert the concept of global warming into business opportunities.”
The long and short of it is that Project 88 only started to get traction when a certain corporate player got involved – a company that happened to own most of the natural gas pipelines in the western world. The company was quick to realize that since natural gas is a lower CO2 emitter than coal, any monetization of carbon would be a profitability game changer for them. So this company started to pump millions of dollars into “environmental groups” such as the Nature Conservancy and the Sierra Club, and to rally the support of several foundations such as the Pew Center and the Heinz Foundation (yes, the one headed by Teresa Heinz Kerry, wife of John Kerry). The funding ensured that these groups would lobby for the monetization of carbon. If you’re interested the nitty gritty of all this, you can read all about it in Larry Bell’s excellent book, Climate of Corruption – Politics and Power Behind the Global Warming Hoax.
Of course, these lobbies, stuffed to the gills with cash from the aforementioned natural gas company, didn’t yell out loud “Please, dear government, please monetize CO2!” That would have been too brash, too obvious. Instead they yelled, “Please, dear government, please declare CO2 to be a pollutant, and then establish an authority to regulate it!” You see, up until that point, CO2 was never thought to be a pollutant. Instead, CO2 was considered to be an essential compound that plants and trees needed in order to convert sunlight into food. But all that was about to change.
Oh, did I forget to mention the name of the big natural gas company that was spearheading all this? Sorry about that. The company was called Enron.
Anyway, the aforementioned Kyoto Protocol “treaty,” adopted in December 1997, established the global carbon market, otherwise known as Carbon Cap and Trade (CCT).
Interestingly, the United States never did officially sign the Kyoto Protocol, but that was neither here nor there – because 192 other countries did sign, so CCT went straight into play. Why didn’t the U.S. sign on? Basically, it was because the U.S. Senate couldn’t quite agree on how to best divide up the treasure trove. Several Senators (such as Gore, Kerry, etc.) were already raking in big CCT bucks by late 1997, so to many other Senators, Kyoto seemed like an unnecessary formality. Having missed the bus, they spun their wheels trying to figure out how to legislate a way to catch up and get some of theirs. Former Senator, Jim Inhofe, was so infuriated at one point that he actually spilled the beans on the whole shebang, declaring “man-made global warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people!” That quote never quite made the papers.
The Kyoto Protocol ran its course, and it is currently no more. It was effectively replaced in 2015 by a new and improved “international climate treaty,” called the Paris Agreement (sometimes called the Paris Accords or the Paris Climate Accords). By that time, any significant dissent in the Senate had been silenced and/or paid off and/or bypassed, so the United States got their official eagle pen out and signed right up.
Pictured above is Bonesman Kerry signing the Paris Agreement on behalf of the United States during a ceremony at the United Nations building in New York City on Earth Day, April 22, 2016. The old creep had his granddaughter sit on his lap while signing – a grotesque stunt, and a slap in the face of future generations. Bonesmen know no shame. Masturbating in a coffin in front of their pledge brothers really helps prepare them for life’s other humiliating public displays.
Most people believe there was a gap in the United States’ participation in the Paris Agreement when Donald Trump got into office. It’s true there was a little hiccup, but it didn’t amount to much. In August of 2017, the Trump administration delivered an official notice to the United Nations that the U.S. intended to withdraw from the Paris Agreement as soon as it was eligible to do so. According to the rules of the game, a notice of withdrawal could not be submitted until the agreement had been in force for three years for the U.S. (three years oddly worked out to November 2019, rather than April 2019).
Anyway, the U.S. went ahead and delivered their withdrawal notification to the United Nations, and then officially withdrew about one year later, on November 4th, 2020. Then, of course, Joe Biden signed an executive order on his very first day as President, January 20th, 2021, to re-admit the United States into the Paris Agreement. The total amount of time that the U.S. was not officially participating in the Paris Agreement, thanks to Trump? That would be a whopping 77 days.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: If you think Trump was a champion of the people, a disrupter of the status quo, I’d respectfully suggest having another think. Controlled opposition at best.
To Russia with Love
OK, so CO2 lost its title as Friend to Plant Life and instead became the number one Enemy of the State. So what? And, so what if a bunch of politicians want to monetize CO2 and buy and sell it on stock exchanges like gold or pork bellies or frozen concentrated orange juice, and then use this mechanism for personal profit? We all know politicians are scoundrels, so shouldn’t we just let it slide? Bottom line: Does any of this climate treaty stuff really matter to everyday people?
I would emphatically say yes. Yes, it does matter to everyday people.
And I don’t just mean in the sense that all this climate crisis nonsense is brainwashing people, tricking them into joining the crazy Church of Climatology cult, warping countless young people into becoming nutty little Greta Thunbergs. I mean in the sense that all this movement of funny money is causing real humanitarian and environmental problems all around the world. The polar opposite, no pun intended, of what it’s claimed to be doing.
I know that concepts such as the “monetization of CO2” and “Carbon Cap and Trade (CCT)” seem pretty abstract. I’ll confess that they were for me too, until I started digging into them. I’d like to share just one quick story, one of many examples that might help demonstrate how the climate crisis hoax is screwing everyone over in very real ways.
Back when the Kyoto Protocol was first spooling up, it had some issues getting signatories from some key players. As mentioned above, the U.S. didn’t want to sign on due to Senate infighting. Australia refused to ratify too. Same with Russia. And so on.
Russia makes for a great example because they provisionally signed the Kyoto Protocol in 1999, but they refused to ratify it until 2004. Russian President, Vladimir Putin, declared as late as 2003 that the Kyoto Protocol was “scientifically flawed” and that “even 100% compliance with the Kyoto Protocol will not have any impact on Earth’s climate.” He was backed by the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), who noted that the world’s temperatures do not follow CO2 levels. Instead, the RAS observed a closer correlation between world temperatures and solar activity than anything else. The RAS also determined that sea levels do not correlate well with world temperatures, citing a steady rise in ocean levels of about 6 inches per century all through the Little Ice Age and continuing thereafter. (The Little Ice Age ended in about 1850, and it was one of the temperature valleys that Gore and the IPCC erased from their hockey stick graph).
What changed Putin’s mind about the Kyoto Protocol in 2004, you might ask? A bucket load of cash from the European Union in the form of purchased “carbon credits,” payable to Russia.
Here’s how the scheme worked: The EU was instrumental in getting Russia admitted to the World Trade Organization (WTO) as a “developing country” rather than a “developed” one, and Russia was also able to claim the CO2 emissions of the entire Soviet Union in 1990 as their starting point for complying with the Kyoto Protocol’s CO2 emissions reduction timeframe.
Since Russia’s (really USSR’s) 1990 CO2 emissions were estimated at 2,405 million tons, and their estimated level in 2002 had “fallen” to 1,614 million tons – not by doing anything actively to reduce CO2 emissions, mind you, but simply because of accounting – that meant that Russia magically had about 800 million tons of carbon credits to sell in the CCT marketplace. You see, the Kyoto and Paris treaties make it so “carbon credits” can be purchased and sold. Instead of investing in technology and infrastructure improvements at home, countries that have high levels of CO2 emissions can simply purchase carbon credits from countries that don’t. And this is how the game is played. Basically, it encourages money to flow from wealthy nations to poor ones, and clever “carbon brokers” take their scrape along the way.
Anyhow, this little trick has netted Russia billions and billions of dollars since 2004 – mostly from European countries, by the way. Putin’s change of heart suddenly makes sense. It’s money for nothing, and chicks for free!
Irony of ironies, Russia used a chunk of their Kyoto money to build a natural gas pipeline called Nord Stream, servicing Europe. Natural gas?! Why that’s a nasty, old, CO2 e-emitting fossil fuel! Enron would be ever so proud. If only they had lived to see the day.
Funny too, to think about Russia using carbon money to fill up its war chest.
Phil’s Two Cents
Oh, how times have changed. Back in 1975, Science News magazine declared that an Ice Age was coming. Their March 1st edition showed New York City getting swallowed up by an advancing glacier. Watch out! It’s just about to engulf the United Nations building!
The scientific data in 1975 was clear as a bell. The Earth was cooling rapidly. Scientists concurred: An Ice Age cometh.
I’m old enough to remember all this hype. And, you know what? I really do remember how my Slurpees and snow cones seemed colder back then.
Then, only about a decade later, somebody decided to flip the script, figuring it would be much better to scare people with the story of a boiling Earth, rather than a freezing one. It’s way more Biblical, I’ll give ‘em that.
But mainly: Yawn.
I don’t know about you, but I’ve had enough of getting my chain yanked this way and that. I say it’s high time to call bullshit. It’s high time for Al Gore and John Kerry to sit down and shut up.
The vilification of CO2 as an Earth-killer needs to end, as does the quasi-religious Chicken Little act about the looming human-caused climate catastrophe. It’s a scam, plain as day. Author, Larry Bell (cited above), describes it best when he says:
“. . . [‘Climate Crisis’ is the] rationale to promote carbon-offset-trading bonanzas, to subsidize alternative-energy pricing advantages, to advance ideological and social-engineering agendas, to validate political and governmental power grabs, and to serve global wealth distribution agendas. These motives are championed beneath banners whose slogans promise salvation from environmental guilt, essentials for resource conservation, energy independence, and most recently, creation of green jobs by legislative fiat.”
Speaking of quotes, near the beginning of An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore has the gall to project a Mark Twain quote up onto his big, fancy screen. The quote is this:
“What gets us into trouble is not what we don’t know. It’s what we know for sure that just ain’t so.”
I have a feeling Al Gore never quite understood that quote. I also have a feeling that if Mark Twain bumped into Al Gore in a saloon or on a riverboat or some such place, it would take Twain all of about ten seconds to size him up for the huckster that he is.
– “Phil”
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