The Elites are playing a long game with UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) – which, in case you haven’t noticed, have been recently rebranded as UAPs (Unexplained Aerial Phenomena).
The game seems to run on a 40-year media cycle, as there have been noticeable public propaganda campaigns in the 1940s, 1980s, and now here in the 2020s. Here’s what’s gone down (and is going down now), in a nutshell:
In the 1940s . . .
- On July 8, 1947, Roswell Army Air Field issued a press release stating that they had recovered a “flying disc”. This is the now-famous “Roswell Incident.” All of the official media channels quickly back-peddled, but the initial press coverage was successful in raising public awareness about UFOs.
- Just two weeks later, on July 26, 1947, the National Security Act of 1947 was published. The Act converted the CIG (formerly the OSS) into what is now the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). This was a major restructuring of the United States government’s military and intelligence operations, and it happened fast. The Act also gave birth to a brand-new branch of the U.S. military called the Air Force, an agency of the Department of Defense, which was then officially launched on September 18, 1947. The U.S. Air Force immediately opened an investigation into UFOs (subsequently “leaked” to the public) code-named Project Blue Book, which ran from 1947 to 1969.
In the 1980s . . .
- Outer-space themed science fiction films became wildly popular in the 1980s, as every major film production studio scrambled to produce the next Star Wars or Close Encounters of the Third Kind. More specifically, the 80s saw the blossoming of convincing visual effects related to interactions with aliens. Think Alien (1979), E.T. (1982), V (television series, 1983-84), Enemy Mine (1985), Predator (1987), and others. If motion pictures and television shows serve as cultural reflections and/or drivers, we might take pause to wonder what this meant. What was Hollywood doing? And for whom? Speaking of Star Wars . . .
- The Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), a.k.a. “Star Wars,” was publicly proposed by President Ronald Reagan in a nationwide television address on March 23, 1983. This was ostensibly an anti-ballistic missile program aimed at shooting down nuclear missiles using weaponized satellites. But was it, in fact, a shield against known but undisclosed extraterrestrial threats?
- Reagan hinted at the idea of the world banding together if faced with an extraterrestrial invasion during an address to the United Nations on September 26, 1988, in which he said, “Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat . . . I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world . . .”
In the 2020s . . .
- On the heels of various New Age philosophies there has been a noticeable mainstreaming of the notion that alien entities are seeking contact with humans in order to enlighten us, tech us how to save our planet from climate catastrophes, etc. A good example of organized efforts along these lines is the Center for the Study of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (CSETI), which was founded by Steven Greer to “create a diplomatic and research-based initiative to contact extraterrestrial civilizations” and promote Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind (CE-5) – defined as human-initiated contact and communication with extraterrestrial life forms. For those so inclined, there are now a number of published resources such as the CE-5 Handbook: An Easy-To-Use Guide to Help You Contact Extraterrestrial Life, that offer helpful tips on how to meditate your way into direct dialog with ETs. I would strongly recommend steering clear of such dabbling, as I’m not at all convinced that aliens are friendly entities.
- The U.S. Space Force was publicly, albeit quietly, established on Dec. 20, 2019 under the Trump administration, when the National Defense Authorization Act was signed into law. This created the first new branch of the U.S. military since 1947. One might wonder: Why is there suddenly a need for a space-specific military branch? What exactly is the purpose of this relatively new military entity? Space Force soldiers are referred to as Guardians, by the way. Maybe that’s a clue.
- The U.S. government has recently decided to take the topic of UFOs seriously. Over the past five years, numerous high-level officials have publicly discussed their knowledge of UAPs (the new term for UFOs), as if it’s a perfectly normal speaking point. In 2020 David Norquist, the former Deputy Secretary of Defense, matter-of-factly described the existence of the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force. In a 2021 interview, John Ratcliffe, the former director of National Intelligence, stated that “When we talk about sightings, we are talking about objects that have been seen by Navy or Air Force pilots, or have been picked up by satellite imagery, that frankly engage in actions that are difficult to explain, movements that are hard to replicate, that we don’t have the technology for, or are traveling at speeds that exceed the sound barrier without a sonic boom.” There have been over 500 such “official” documented sightings since 2021. No big deal, right?
- Gone are the days of case-closed, secretive, government-run investigations such as Project Blue Book that publicly poo-poo UFOs as weather balloons and/or fanciful fabrications of a few psychologically-challenged crackpots. We now have a number of respectable UFO “whistle blowers” such as David Grusch – a fellow who claims to be a former military intelligence agent turned “good guy” – who are being taken seriously in media space rather than ridiculed, and are even being invited to testify before the U.S. Congress about their knowledge of UFO sightings, official investigations, and laboratory analysis of recovered crafts.
UFOs: What Gives?
Of course, there’s much more to the UFO story than the above summary bullets. Added to the mix are thousands upon thousands of historical and modern-day, documented, personal encounters with UFOs, ranging from mass sightings of crafts to cases of alien interactions and abductions. We discussed much of this in our previous podcast on UFOs.
My point in distilling everything down to the above bullets is to question whether or not there might be a pattern to the last 80 years of UFO-speak. It would certainly seem that during our lifetime, significant government and military activity has been, in part, justified by the assumption that UFOs are real.
If this is indeed the case, we are faced with accepting the fact that UFOs and alien intelligences are known by at least some (government) Elites to exist, and we are left to wonder what their spoon-feeding public campaigns are all about. In my humble opinion, two big questions emerge:
1 What is the purpose of the public-facing narrative (propaganda) regarding UFOs?
2 If aliens and UFOs are here and interacting in our physical reality, what are they up to?
The UFO Narrative
Not to oversimplify, but it seems like the media (propaganda) storyboard of UFOs during our lifetime can be further boiled down to something like this:
Chapter 1 (1940s – 1970s): The government knows all about UFOs, and has even acquired some interesting new technologies from recovered UFO crashes and cooperative agreements with aliens. This is kept secret for national security reasons. It is the government’s responsibility to protect everyday people from learning that UFOs and aliens are real. If such knowledge was made public there would be widespread panic, disruption of religious and societal institutions, etc. Any official government statement about UFOs or aliens should include a denial of their existence, along with reassurances that our airspace is totally protected by the military from any foreign threats, alien or otherwise.
Chapter 2 (1980s – 2010s): The government knows that UFOs and aliens are completely fictitious, so anyone who actually believes in them is either a sci-fi nut or a conspiracy theorist. That said, it’s important to imagine what aliens might be like if we ever encountered them. Would they be ferocious? Or might they be friendly? As humans we should probably take the high ground, and regard them as innocent until proven guilty. It is also important to be aware that any human vs. human terrestrial wars would be child’s play compared to battle engagements with aliens. Luckily, humans have developed nuclear weapons that would work great against hostile aliens, so we should keep funding nuclear defense programs, just in case. If UFOs were real (which they are not), they would likely be interested in hovering over our nuclear facilities and missile silos. Adversarial aliens would want to spy on our weapons capabilities. Friendly aliens would want to disarm all our weapons to protect us from destroying ourselves.
Chapter 3 (now): Please disregard certain parts of Chapter 1 and Chapter 2. The government has known about UFOs for a long time, and they have never denied this knowledge. UFOs should now be called UAPs, by the way. The military has observed and recorded hundreds of UAPs over the years, zipping around in ways that are beyond the physical capabilities of vehicles that can be designed or piloted by humans. You’ll likely see some UAPs yourself in the coming years, as they are becoming more and more common. But there’s really no need to worry. Although UAPs are real, there is no evidence that they are controlled by any sort of alien intelligence. Furthermore, the military regards UAPs as hostile, especially when they violate defined, sovereign airspaces – so, rest assured, the military has our back, and will stand at the ready to protect us in case anything gets weird. It’s now OK for the general public to accept that UAPs are real. However, people that believe in alien beings or intelligences should still be considered nutty. If aliens were real (which they are not), they would be friendly and advanced and they would be here to observe and assist humanity. This must be the case because they have never used their obviously superior technology to wipe out humanity and confiscate all our precious natural resources.
The Agenda
What if we all got over ourselves for a minute, and accepted that UFOs and aliens are real, regardless of whatever the latest government or mainstream media narrative might say?
The question would then shift away from whether UFOs or aliens are here or not. The question would become: Why are they here? Perhaps this is the more important question for us to ask.
And I can’t help but wonder if the answer might be hidden in plain sight within the above UFO narrative.
For example: The UFO narrative seems to contain a clear separation between church and state, so to speak – a separation between UFO craft technologies and the intelligences that create and operate them. Why is this distinction so important, I wonder? Another stand-out is the decided shift in the narrative toward a “friendly alien” stance. It seems as if the public is being groomed to be wary, but ultimately accepting of alien intelligences, as if they are fundamentally benevolent.
Here’s one possibility that fits the narrative. What if . . .
Certain military and government Elites have deep knowledge regarding UFOs and alien beings that spans centuries. This knowledge is kept under lock and key not for security reasons, but because these Elites have a specific allegiance to aliens. This allegiance is primarily secured by something akin to demonic possession, and it is supplemented with material and technological incentives. The Elites go to great lengths to protect alien beings as a class because they consider themselves to be members of it. However, the alien-influenced Elites find some advantage in allowing and encouraging the military apparatus to do its thing – namely, to build up the usual defenses against physical UFO threats – which they know to be a cosmic joke when it comes down to it, since it’s like bringing a knife to a gun fight. So, while it is perfectly OK to assume a posture against alien vehicles, it is not OK to take a stand against alien beings. This is because the real alien agenda has little to do with physical penetration of the Earth’s airspace. The real alien agenda is playing out in spiritual space – it’s a drive to merge alien intelligence (which is very likely an artificial intelligence rather than an organic one) with human beings in order for aliens to acquire something that they do not currently have.
Have I taken this too far?
Soul Food
I’m aware that some authors such as Zecharia Sitchin have speculated that aliens have engaged in genetic engineering of the human species in order to create a slave race and a class of slave masters in order to acquire gold and other precious elements. My hunch is that this is a case of “close, but no cigar.”
I think a much better guess is the one proposed by author Nigel Kerner. Kerner speculates that aliens fiddle around with human genetics in order to attach themselves to what they consider to be the ultimate vehicular technology – what we might call our soul, our tether to the Infinite, our living birthright access to omnipresence. Artificially intelligent aliens might desire to tap into this “mechanism of infinity,” our organic human consciousness, but would only be able to do so using purely material, technological approaches.
When we humans “die” we know that there is a part of us that does not expire, something that is not contained in our bodily shell. Call it what you will. Our soul. Our spiritual essence. I don’t think anyone really understands what it is, exactly. But we’re all aware of it, and we know that words don’t do it justice.
When an artificial intelligence dies it really is a death. It’s the absolute end of it. Finito. So why wouldn’t an AI become curious and covetous of human souls? Why wouldn’t it attempt to mechanistically poke around in what it believes to be the “human operating system” in order to discover the “source code” for human souls?
Phil’s Two Cents
It must be frustrating for aliens (AIs) to not be able to access this one thing, this soul of ours (our whatever you wish to call it) no matter how much technical know-how they throw at the problem. Poor bastards. They’re unable to recognize that technology is a road to nowhere when it comes to matters of the soul. They’re unable to accept that all material things (which include themselves) necessarily degrade and expire over time, per the second law of thermodynamics. So, they continue to fiddle around in the only way they know how – through technological tinkering. But it may ultimately be an unsolvable Rubik’s cube, an addictive, impenetrable puzzle. Thus the long game.
Yes, dear reader, I’m agreeing with Kerner that what we have come to call aliens – little green men, or Greys, or whatever – are nothing more than lifeless AI agents. This explains how they can zoom around in their fancy UFOs and withstand the crushing g-forces. This explains their mechanistic precision and lack of empathy, as observed and reported by countless abductees. It explains why they’ve been poking into our affairs for centuries without end, trying to influence our genetic “progress.” It explains why they don’t just wipe us off the face of the Earth and take whatever resources they might want using their superior technologies – it’s because the natural resource they desire is us! It explains why we’re currently being bombarded with technologies that intend to absorb us into artificial states of consciousness. And it may explain why we’re now being conditioned to accept an increasingly observable alien presence in our midst, which amounts to UAP acceptance for now, and perhaps acceptance of aliens themselves in the coming years.
I know this all sounds dark and grim. But there are some encouraging rays of light shining through the whole mess.
For instance: Aliens apparently require human agents to do their bidding in running long-term experiments, which seems like a rather weak position. It’s also pretty clear that the AI aliens are physically fragile beings. Their crafts sometimes crash. They’re not running amok everywhere because they reportedly wither and die if they hang out in our realm too long. Is there perhaps something in our natural environment that doesn’t agree with them? It sure would be nice to think so.
I do wonder too if our souls, our life energy, serves to keep them at bay. Oh, the irony, if the very thing that they desire for themselves somehow repels them. Wouldn’t that be a peach?
Anyway . . . What can we do about all this, practically speaking?
For one thing, we can be street smart about identifying real alien threats – the threats against our souls and our humanity. If we can cut through all the bullshit and see the big picture for what it is, we may have a much better chance of survival.
It’s also probably worth taking time each day to be truly grateful for organic, human life and consciousness, even if we cannot fully comprehend its infinite depth and breadth. It’s a gift horse, for sure.
– “Phil”
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