When Brett and I first started the This Perfect Day podcast, way back in 2010 (Gulp!), we shortlisted a few granddaddy conspiracies, and decided to put them off until we had established ourselves a bit, gotten our chops, figured out how to tackle massive, multifaceted topics.
Among the granddaddies was 9/11.
Namely: Did the events of September 11, 2001 really go down as we were told? i.e. Did foreign terrorists successfully plan and execute attacks on the U.S.? Or were the events of that day – as described to us – an elaborate hoax of some sort?
Of course, being less than ten years old, 9/11 was still quite fresh in our minds back then, in the early days of TPD. The paint was still wet, so to speak. And now, remarkably, another decade has slipped past, and we have yet to dip our toes into the water on 9/11.
In the meantime, the drum beats on. Loudly. Other major conspiracies have been unleashed upon us – most notably the covid and climate change psy-ops, AI, and the birth of digital currency. When it rains it pours. But, hey, as the 9/11 slogan went twenty years ago: “Never forget.”
So, we think it’s high time to crack open the 9/11 case.

The 9/11 Punch List
9/11 is not unlike the Apollo moon landings (which we’ve already begun to tackle in the TPD podcast), in that it may be necessary to break down the big-picture, multifaceted juggernaut into sub-topics in order to make sense of anything.
So, here’s a working list, an outline of five main 9/11 topics, which will hopefully serve as a guide for upcoming blogs (and perhaps some podcasts). I suppose this list constitutes a “teaser,” although I’d prefer to think of it as an organizational device, a punch list to help us stay focused as we do a little more than dip our toes in the water. We plan to jump right into the chilly pool and splash around.

The official 9/11 narrative
The case of 9/11 is much like the JFK assassination, since we have an “official” government report to rely upon as a primary source document that clearly lays out the officially accepted story line. For 9/11 that government report is The 9/11 Commission Report, the 428 page volume, first published in July 2004, nearly three years after the event.
We’ll dig into this Report in detail, picking out the oddities and absurdities. For now, we’ll simply call your attention the fact that only the first 46 pages (a paltry 10%) of the Report deals with the actual events of September 11, 2001. The remainder is a long diatribe about the general nature of Islamic terrorism and proposals for new “global strategies” to deal with “future threats.”

9/11 videos and interviews
Alongside The 9/11 Commission Report there are a number of videos and interviews that might also serve as primary sources for studying the events that occurred on the morning of September 11, 2001. We’ll take a close look at what was said at the time.
It’s worth noting that significant efforts have been made to scrub this information from the internet. But we’ll do our best to share what we can, noting the unusual aspects of the early, first-hand “reporting” that was later morphed and assembled into the official narrative.

9/11 airplanes
According to the official story, four commercial airliners were piloted and crashed, kamikaze-style, in the September 11, 2001 “terrorist attacks” – two in New York City (in separate strikes on the twin towers), one in Washington DC (in a strike on the Pentagon), and one in Stonycreek Township, Pennsylvania (downed in an interrupted strike meant for an unknown target).
However, it’s quite possible that not a single airliner was crashed in the “9/11 attacks.” This may sound quite shocking at first – especially in the NYC cases, where there is video footage of airplanes crashing into the twin towers. But it’s pretty easy to expose aspects of the NYC “videos” that may indicate that they are poorly-constructed fakes, so we’ll do so. The other two supposed “plane crashes” – in Washington DC and Pennsylvania – are even simpler to question, so we’ll take a look at those as well.
Also: Since almost everyone seems to “know someone who knew someone” who was a passenger or flight attendant on one of the supposedly downed 9/11 flights, we’ll also dig into the airliner-related deaths that did very likely occur on 9/11. Those deaths may have occurred at locations other than what we’ve been told.

Buildings destroyed on 9/11
Several high-rise buildings in NYC’s World Trade Center (WTC) complex conveniently collapsed into their own footprints on 9/11 – the most dramatic being the twin towers themselves (WTC1 and WTC2, each 110 stories tall) and WTC7 (47 stories tall).
The official narrative is that these buildings collapsed due to structural damage caused by two airliner crashes. However, we will describe why that might not be so. It may be that WT7 was destroyed with conventional explosives in a pre-planned, controlled demolition. And it may be that WTC1 and WTC2 were damaged by missile strikes (the videos may have been edited to appear as airplane strikes), and then destroyed using a pre-planned combination of conventional and non-conventional (nuclear) explosives that reduced the buildings to dust.

The occult symbolism of 9/11
Overlooked by even the most diligent conspiracy theorists is the overt, occult symbolism conveyed by the construction and subsequent destruction of the twin towers, WTC1 and WTC2. But we will not shy away from this.
In a nutshell, “twin tower” or “twin pillar” architectural symbolism is decidedly Freemasonic (Luciferian), representing Boaz and Jachin, the two metallic pillars which once marked the entry to the Temple of Solomon, which famously housed the Ark of the Covenant (the device through which ancient Israelites communicated with their “god.”).
In the context of 9/11, the mystery we will explore has to do with why the WTC twin towers were erected in the first place, and then ritualistically destroyed 33 years later.

Phil’s Two Cents
This should be an interesting journey, so hang tight and stay tuned as we unpack all this in a series of upcoming posts . . .
– “Phil”
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